1 July – 1 October 1993
Freelance cooperation as assessor in a law firm in Lüdenscheid/Westphalia
- besides other tasks consultant for enterprises, as regards legal questions concerning commercial law, competition law, company law and contract design
Permanent legal advisor to the German federal association of the natural stone industry (Bundesverband Naturstein-Industrie, now MIRO, Bundesverband Mineralische Rohstoffe e.V. - federal association mineral raw materials)
- participant in European and federal panels in the field of legislative processes and advising enterprises of the construction materials industry
1997 General Manager:
vero - Association for the construction and raw materials industry www.vero-baustoffe.de
GGT - Quality association for construction materials for hard and turf surface sports installations
SVD - German trade association for slate
VSI - Sea gravel association
FV Ziegel NW - Trade association for the brick making industry North-West Germany
FV Ziegel N - Trade association for the brick making industry Northern Germany
Tasks: Consultant for enterprises regarding collective bargaining policy and labour law, as well as representing the enterprises in questions of commercial law. The members are predominantly small and medium-sized enterprises, including a few larger sized enterprises, such as the Basalt Actien Gesellschaft (Werhahn Group), CEMEX Deutschland AG or Strabag.
-Spokesperson of the working group stone and earth industry North Rhine-Westphalia (a union of all construction materials associations in North Rhine-Westphalia)
-Member of the environmental committee of the North Rhine-Westphalia section of BDI (Federation of German Industries)
-Member of the bargaining committee (employers’ representative) with the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Since 2005
Expert for environmental, planning and commercial law for the state parliaments of the Federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony